Clearly one of my main purposes is the search and quest for peace. Creative expression is a spiritual practice for me that leads me deeper into peace. I remember reading “The Ugly American” in high school and being so upset and deciding I wanted to be a UN ambassador of peace and convince the world that Americans were not all ugly. And I truly wanted world peace. What I did not know then was that peace was something I would first need to find inside myself.
I look back on my life and see that my quest led me to seek inner peace and become a Marriage & Family Therapist to help myself and others discover peace. The old saying that “peace begins with me” is so true and it is the only place that you really can have some effect and control. Art has been the best therapy for me and has been a large part of my inner journey..
I look back on my art over the years and see how much of it was either my search, prayer and hope for peace or an expression of the peace that I was discovering inside my own heart and mind. These are just the ones readily available to post as examples:
Last week I finished a painting I was working on for quite a while. It started out as a redo of the one with hands and a dove…and just kept evolving and growing. And it was fun to add touches with Photoshop. Always seeking to express the peace that I find inside.
peace comes from within
when hearts open to receive
peace is present, now
Today I watched the news and started to emotionally react and had to turn it off. Instead of painting, which is a “peace-finder” activity for me, I went to my archives and was led to a favorite image that reminds me to come present in my body and “breathe peace” in and out. The message from my heart, in haiku, was:
remember to breathe
come home to the Peace within
breathe in Love’s Peace now
Tonight I celebrate and give thanks for the creative urge within me that uplifts and calms me and keeps me focused into peace. Art can be a daily practice that supports world peace by bringing peace to the part of the world you have the most influence in – your own heart and mind. I find that creative expression helps a lot! It has a purpose to focus the mind, calm the emotions and uplift the spirit. Whether it is drawing, painting, coloring, writing, playing music or any other creative urge and expression, it is a wonderful pathway to peace.