Love’s Purpose: What is calling you?

Love has a purpose and it is calling to tell you what it is.  Have you heard the call?  Are you listening to your Heart? Love’s purpose can manifest in many ways and it is different for each one of us. For me, it often moves me to create something visual to represent the message of my […]

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Why I Blog

I sketch my winged heart and write a haiku every day.  It is a creative and spiritual practice for me.  It exercises my creative muscles and aligns me with my heart and soul.  It has evolved into a dialogue with my heart. I blog to share the value (well at least to try to share it)

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Blossoms of Grace

Blossoms of Grace is a painting and heart haiku that evolved and developed over the span of 4 months.  I was just along for the ride and doing my best to listen and follow as it called to me to color on purpose. It is a creative process that started as a pencil sketch/doodle and

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Completing Purpose with Heart

I want to share how I moved into completion of my latest project Follow Your Heart to Peace Coloring Book and Journal –  with a little (a lot!) help from my heart. I began working on it since, at least, August of 2015.   I did hit “mid commitment blues” – that’s where you can’t remember why you started a project

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