
Flowers in the garden of my heart…..

I call this drawing “Intercessory”, as in intercessory prayer, “the act of praying on behalf of others”.

I began this drawing back in 1998 or 99, as I do most times, from a movement in my heart to express what I cannot express in words.  As the drawing unfolded, I realized that it was my heart crying out for healing for my friend.

The original sketch that I kept had no color added and no “light droplets”.  At the time I did not have the heart to focus on it to completion.

In recent weeks, I have been moved to get it out and spend time in completion.  It has been 20 years since my friend’s passing into Spirit and I still miss her.  Grief really has no completion but mellows with time and becomes part of the background of who you have become.

It feels good to complete this drawing.  I went back and forth between using pencil and colored pencil and adding softer touches with Photoshop.

There are certain people in life that I call “foundational people”.

Sometimes you learn who they are when they pass.  I call them foundational because your foundation gets shaken when they leave. You realize that while they were here, whether you had constant contact or not, the world was a safer place for you.

And after they leave, they become a part of the foundation of loving in the garden of your heart.  Their love continues to bloom to support you and carry you through the challenging times.

This painting is dedicated to those “foundational souls” who still support us through their love and all hearts that cry out to the Light on behalf of those they love.


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